*Please Note: our new address is www.betterthanstarbucks.org
December 2016 Vol. I No. VI
Not your ordinary poetry magazine!
If good coffee (or just the concept of coffee), great books, sharp wit, and great authors excite you, we are for you!

We are not, as the Beatles put it, a registered charity, but we are hardly a for-profit concern, either. We are basically a shoestring operation. I do not really expect much in the way of donations, but if you would like to help, we will accept.
Either a $5, $10, $25 or more, one time donation to pay for poetry or a short story, or you may endow a prize for poetry or fiction on an ongoing basis. An endowed prize would mean you direct the qualifications and the naming of the prize.
Whatever you give, if you give, will not go in my pocket, but will go to fund paying creative contributors.
Contact us at: betterthanstarbucks2@gmail.com
Pick a Category:
(or a sub page: Haiku or Formal & Rhyming Poetry)
Short Story
The Interview
Katherine Michaels Fund for Literature
(General funds for underwriting the site, named for our first donor)
Select a Prize:
Tell us how much you want to fund it, how much you want to pay out for each winner. Once per year, once per issue. What do you want for the parameters? What do you want to call it? (and yes, you can name it after yourself)