November & December 2019
Vol IV No VI
Not your ordinary poetry magazine!
If good coffee (or just the concept of coffee), great books, sharp wit, and great authors excite you, we are for you!
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Published bi-monthly
Why donate when it's free?
Because you love poetry and fiction. Because you've read things here that made you smile, or cry, or think a little differently. Because it would take you days to read through every page of every issue in the archive and you'd like to know it's there when you finally find time. Because something here brightened your day, or reached out and touched you, and you want to thank all the volunteer staff who give their time and their passion for poetry and fiction to be here for you. Especially because you want to contribute to getting this publication to a place where we can pay contributors as they deserve.
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T.S. Eliot
Join us.
By becoming a Better Than Starbucks Supporter, you can help us grow, and support this venue for poetry, fiction and art. Give as much or as little as you like, even $5 a month helps and makes a difference.
As a Supporter, your name will be listed on our Links & Supporters page, however you can also choose to give in a name other than your own. Whether it is in tribute or memory, supply us with the name of a poet, family member, friend, loved one, even a pet, and we will list your contribution in that name. You can also choose to remain anonymous.
You may direct your contribution to a specific category if you wish.
The categories are General Poetry, Haiku, Formal & Rhyming Poetry, Poetry Translations, Short Fiction, and Art.
Click on the button below to join us in becoming a monthly supporter today.
We are not, as the Beatles put it, a registered charity, but we are hardly a for-profit concern, either. We rely on private donations.
If you would like to help, we would be most appreciative.
Either a $5, $10, $25 or more, one time donation to help pay for poetry or a short story, or an art contribution.
Whatever you give, if you give, will go toward paying creative contributors first, and staff after that.
Become a Donor
Pick a Category:
Poetry or a sub page:
Free Verse, Haiku, Formal & Rhyming Poetry, Poetry Translations, International: African, Asian, ModPo & Experimental, Sentimental
Fiction: Short Story, Flash Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction
The Interview
Katherine Michaels Fund for Literature (General funds for underwriting the site, named for our first donor)
Fund a poetry prize:
Select a Prize:
Tell us how much you want to fund it, how much you want to pay out for each winner. Minimum prize is $25, (pay out will be $20.00, to cover PayPal fees). Tell us how you want to set it up: once per year, once per issue. What do you want for the parameters? What do you want to call it? (and yes, you can name it after yourself).
We will work with you to determine contest rules, select judges, etc.
So first you contact us at, tell us what you want to do. When your Prize or Donation is approved, go to the donate page and enter the agreed upon amount.
To those of you who have made donations, we give much thanks! We're working on expanding our horizons with the primary goal being to eventually be able to pay contributors — and have begun doing so with payment for two featured poems each month. - Vera Ignatowitsch