January & February 2020
Vol V No I
Not your ordinary poetry magazine!
If good coffee (or just the concept of coffee), great books, sharp wit, and great authors excite you, we are for you!
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Published bi-monthly
Full Length Poetry or Fiction Manuscript Submissions
If you have had your work published in Better Than Starbucks and have a full-length manuscript ready for publication, we will be reading and considering up to 10 manuscripts per month for future publication beginning January 1, 2020. Current status will be posted here beginning with the January 2020 issue.
Submission guidelines below.
If you have not submitted your work to us and had it accepted for publication, then consider submitting.
It is free. We never charge reading fees.
Our goal for 2020 is to publish at least one full length book of free verse poetry, and up to two of any of the following: formal poetry, experimental poetry, prose poetry, haiku, poetry translations, International (including African) poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, micro fiction, creative nonfiction, or memoirs.
January 3, 2020 Open for Submissions
We are now considering up to 10 full length poetry book manuscripts per month from poets/authors we have published in the past.
We do not charge reading fees.
We prefer books of 90–110 pages, including front and back matter, such as TOC, a forward or introduction, credit pages, etc. At present, we only publish books with black and white interior, no color.
Please send your full manuscript in MS Word (.doc or .docx.) format. (No samples please.)
Name your file like this: Smith1 Poetry Manuscript. (Last name followed by the number of submissions you have sent.) If this is your first manuscript submission to Better Than Starbucks, then follow your last name with the number 1.
Please single space poems, double space between stanzas, and format poems as you would like them to appear.
Include in your email:
Your real name.
Your pen name (if any).
Your biography.
Number of words or pages.
Your real physical address (Not work or your PO box.)
Your mailing address (if different).
Your email address.
Your phone number.
We will acknowledge your submission upon receipt.
Please allow at least 60 days for us to read your manuscript.
The following are two sample templates you may use:
Royal: 6.13” x 9.21” minimum 68 pages here.
Crown Quarto: 7.44” x 9.68” minimum 68 pages here.
Please note: Although our physical address is in the US, we are an international journal. As such, all our payments to contributors and authors are made via Paypal. You must have a functional Paypal account to receive author’s share of the sales of any book we publish.