February 2018 Vol. III No. II
Not your ordinary poetry magazine!
If good coffee (or just the concept of coffee), great books, sharp wit, and great authors excite you, we are for you!

ModPo & Experimental Poetry

Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo works at the Department of Humanities of the University of the Philippines Los Baños.
[Fragment #1]
[please feel free to add your words here]
Because I was […]
that was the reason you left
[…] in time that was not ours
in a place that I wanted […]
but I never though you would
[…] with our love.
a hungerful anger
A murder of crows
after scaring all the sparrows away
fights over the bread I have thrown in my backyard
they fly after each other
cawing with anger
only then do the sparrows return.
Jon Nakapalau
Sometimes California or the March Set
by Anthony Watkins
Silent Poems
by Anthony Watkins
Games Poets Play
by ModPo Students


Martin Porter was born in Jersey C.I., studied Astrophysics in the U.K. and now lives in Whangarei, New Zealand. He is published in New Zealand, USA and UK. He has been a Pushcart nominee for his flash fiction and a winner of the Jersey Writing (Poetry) competition. He is past co-editor of the New Zealand Poetry chapbook and broadsheet series "Fast Fibres" and sits on the New Zealand National Flash Fiction Competition committee.
Better than Starbucks began wholly as a creation in my mind. Now the wonderful collaboration of six dedicated editors is creating a monthly magazine that I could have only dreamed about when I was starting out as a one person organization.
Having said that, there are no direct connections between U Penn, Al Filreis, KWH (Kelly Writers House), ModPo (Modern & Contemporary American Poetry), or any of the actual affiliated programs to ModPo and this magazine, other than I have been a part of ModPo for several years now. There is, however, a strong spiritual and intellectual connection between BTS and ModPo.
If I had not gotten involved in the larger community of ModPo, I don't think I would have restarted a literary publication. I am certain I would not have added a Formal & Rhyming Page, and probably not a Translations page. I have a pretty narrow preference for poetry, but the course and the people at ModPo have expanded my view of poetry to the point that I decided if I could find good people to help me do it, we would make BTS as broad of a source of styles and genres as possible. We have been fortunate to establish a team of talented editors and are in the process of an ever expanding quest to find poetry wherever it may be.
Thus, it seems fitting that we dedicate a page to my fellow students at ModPo, and/or anyone who wants to share experimental poems. The thing about experiments is, they often fail, but as the point is to learn, not to create perfection, even failed experiments in the lab or on this page, will offer something for us, if we will find it. and when the experiment doesn't fail... well, you will see! - Anthony Watkins