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Who we are

Better than Starbucks

Founded 1995 as Scene, Arts of the Treasure Coast,

Renamed 1998 Abundance, a Harvest of Literature, Life & the Arts

Revived  2016 as  Better than Starbucks


     Staff, listed in order of when they joined the staff.


     Anthony "Uplandpoet" Watkins                    ​Publisher, Founder, Editor-in-Chief        


     Vera Ignatowitsch                                           Managing Editor, Formal & Rhyming Poetry Page Editor, Layout & Copy Editor          


     Kevin McLaughlin                                           Haiku Page Editor, Spiritual Adviser, Poetry Mentor 


     S. Ye Laird                                                        Translations Page Editor


     Suzanne Robinson                                          Poetry Main Page Editor


     Tendai Rinos Mwanaka                                  African Poetry Editor


     Rameeza Nasim                                               Asian Poetry Editor

Before You Know it, the One Man Band is an Orchestra

For the first four issues, this space ran on a bit about the publisher. At first, this was due to the fact that there was nobody here but the publisher. Now, as you can see, we have added several staff members so that we are a real fairly fully staffed journal.

First came my trusted mentor and spiritual advisor, Kevin McLaughlin to edit our Haiku Page, then Vera Ignatowitsch to edit Formal & Rhyming Poetry.

S. Ye Laird is the editor of a now regular feature, Translations, and Suzanne Robinson officially agreed to accepting the title of what she has been all along, the final judge of what goes on the General Poetry Page. Look for a greater depth and breadth than anything I could offer when I was trying to wear all the hats!

We have also added and International Poetry page, with Tendai Mwanakos as editor of African Poetry, and Rameeza Nasim as editor of Asian Poetry.

poetry magazine, Anthony Watkins Book Store

Please continue to direct your submissions, questions and thoughts to the main, but you might want to put your work to the attention of whichever page editor seems most likely to want to see it. We will be looking for submissions of interesting translations, watch S. Ye Laid's Translations page for details.


Staff we have yet to find, but are actively looking for!


We are still missing a few pieces of the puzzle. At least two, maybe three or four or more.

The certain two are as follows:

A grant writer (we are not a non profit, except in fact, but not law), we need someone who knows how to help in gathering funding to first pay contributors, and then, possibly, though none have ever asked for a dime, to the various editors.

Second, we need a tech person who can build us the mythical chat room discussion forum from Shelfari, or even something better.

Our own S Ye has helped us get started with a pretty nice "off the shelf" forum, from which she has created a easy to use and appealing to the eye home for our discussions! We had hoped to start seeing these forums getting a lot of use, and will consider re-opening them, but we are still looking for a coder who wants to help!


The maybes, let's talk:


Thirdly and Fourthly, and maybe even Fifthly

(is fifthly a word? It looks a lot like filthy.)

We are looking for:

an interviewer

a book reviewer,

a movie reviewer/critic

and either an art page editor or an art critic or both.

Mentors, Ghosts, and Spirtual Editors

poetry magazine, Mom, Mrs.Dan
poetry magazine, family portrait

Neither of these wonderful ladies are on our staff, as both are deceased, but they put this little muddy footed boy on the path to the love of the written word.



                                      As of December 4,

                                        2016, we can add

                                          the ghost of my

                                        father. He never

                                      quite understood why

                                   anyone would work so hard  for something that didn't make any money,  but he always supported my efforts to create  a place for poetry, literature and art.

Copyright  Better than Starbucks 2017, a poetry magazine    

7711 Ashwood Lane Lake Worth Florida US 33467  Phone 561-719-8627

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